Wednesday, 15 July 2020

Employee Work Target, Performance Assessment and Conversion of Performance Assessment Result, and Determination of Credit Point

A. Employee Work Target

  1. At the beginning of the year, every translator must prepare Employee Work Target (SKP) to be implemented within the year.
  2. The SKP is based on the performance in the related working units.
  3. The SKP is based on level of difficulty and competency requirements for each level of position.
  4. The SKP as mentioned in Number 1 must be approved and stipulated by the direct supervisor.

B. Performance Assessment and Conversion of Performance Assessment Result

  1. The Cumulative Credit Point for Translator promotions and positions is determined based on the results of the performance assessment.
  2. The results of performance assessment to be converted into credit point submitted by the Head of the Translating unit to the Performance Assessment Team, and written according to the sample form as attached in Attachment 13 that is integral part of this Cabinet Secretary Regulation.
  3. The result of the performance assessment as mentioned in Number 2 is converted to the Cumulative Credit Points and written as follows:
  4. performance points of 91 above or very good gets credit points of 150% from credit points that must achieve every year.
  5. performance points of 76-90 or good gets credit points of 125% from credit points that must achieve every year.
  6. performance point of 61-75 or fair gets credit points of 100% from credit points that must achieve every year.
  7. performance points of 51-60 of poor gets credit points of 75% from credit points that must achieve every year.
  8. performance points below 50 of very poor get credit points of 50% from credit points that must achieve every year.
  9. The original copy is submitted if the Performance Assessment Team requires it as consideration in implementing the conversion.
  10. Conversion of the result of the performance assessment into cumulative credit points is carried out by Performance Assessment Team and written according to the sample form as attached in Attachment 14 that is integral part of this Cabinet Secretary Regulation.
  11. If an Institutional Performance Assessment Team has not been established, the conversion and determination of credit points can be issued by the Cabinet Secretariat Assessment Team.
  12. If a Provincial Performance Assessment Team has not been established, the conversion and determination of credit points can be issued by the nearest Provincial Performance Assessment Team or the Cabinet Secretariat Assessment Team; and
  13. If a Regency/City Performance Assessment Team has not been established, the conversion and determination of credit points can be issued by the nearest Regency / City Performance Assessment Team, the related Provincial Performance Assessment Team, the nearest Provincial Performance Assessment Team, or the Cabinet Secretariat Assessment Team.
  14. The original copy of the works of the Translator can be submitted to the Performance Assessment Team in a hard copy or a soft copy in a CD.


Cumulative Credit Point and Promotions
Main TasksRanking / Category and Cumulative Credit Point
First TranslatorJunior TranslatorMiddle TranslatorSenior Translator
Written translation, oral translation, preparation of translation texts, ancient manuscripts, archives, inscriptions translation5050100100150150150200200
Minimum Point/ Year12.512.5252537.537.537.55050


Credit Point Conversion for First Level Translator
Performance AssesmentMinimum Credit Point to Achieve Per YearCredit Point Achieved
PointPredicatePercentageColumn 3 x Column 4
above 91Very good150%12.518.75
Below 50Very poor50%12.56.25


Credit Point Conversion for Second Level Translator
Performance AssesmentMinimum Credit Point to Achieve Per YearCredit Point Achieved
PointPredicatePercentageColumn 3 x Column 4
above 91Very good150%2537.5
Below 50Very poor50%2512.5


Credit Point Conversion for Third Level Translator
Performance AssesmentMinimum Credit Point to Achieve Per YearCredit Point Achieved
PointPredicatePercentageColumn 3 x Column 4
above 91Very good150%37.556.25
Below 50Very poor50%37.518.75


Credit Point Conversion for Fourth Level Translator
Performance AssesmentMinimum Credit Point to Achieve Per YearCredit Point Achieved
PointPredicatePercentageColumn 3 x Column 4
above 91Very good150%5075
Below 50Very poor50%5025



  1. Stipulation of credit points is carried out by Chairperson of the Performance Assessment Team based on the results of performance assessment and written according to the sample form as attached in Attachment 15 that is integral part of this Head of Agency Regulation.
  2. Stipulation of credit points is carried out if the cumulative credit points for a higher promotion/rank has been fulfilled.
  3. The original stipulation of the credit points is submitted to Head of the National/Regional Civil Service Agency with the copy submitted to:
  4. Cabinet Secretary cq. Deputy of Cabinet Work Support;
  5. Translator;
  6. Secretary of Performance Evaluation Team of Related Institution/Province/Regency/City;
  7. Head of Staff Bureau/Regional Civil Service Agency in District/City; and
  8. Other related officials.

Critic & Suggestion

E-JFP Mobile Application

Translator functional position application system (e-JFP) from the Cabinet Secretariat as the supervisor of the translator functional position.

Download Now !