Wednesday, 15 July 2020

First Level Translator:

NoJob Description
A. Translation Planning
1To plan a translation activity.
2To review translation materials.
3To search for reference and/or supporting materials for translating.
B. Translation
1To translate quality guidelines/manuals/catalogues/periodic report/information kit or other public information materials. 
2To translate presentation in form of Power Point or other similar presentation.
3To translate abstracts of scientific journal articles/abstracts of research reports/ abstracts of bachelor thesis/abstracts of thesis/abstracts of dissertation or other similar abstracts of scientific papers; and
4To translate curriculum syllabus/teaching materials or other materials for education and training.
5To translate scripts in posters/ banners/ billboards/ captions/ brochures/ flyers/ or other similar public information materials.
6To translate electronic mails or other similar electronic documents. 
7To translate official letters/diplomatic letters/facsimiles or political documents, policies, and other similar diplomatic documents.
8To translate press releases/press statements/communiqués or other similar mass media documents. 
9To translate news/ opinions/ editorials in printed or electronic mass media or other similar mass media documents; and 
10To translate biography/autobiography or curriculum vitae.
11To translate Circulars/Announcements/Statement Letters/Permits or other similar official letters; and
12To translate Decisions/Instructions or other similar legal documents.
13To translate film dialogue or other audio-visual scripts to draw up subtitling/ dubbing/ voice over scripts.
C. Interpreting
 To serve as a paraprofessional interpreter that includes interpreter in a meeting, a liaison officer and an escort officer, from:
1Indonesian language to foreign languages vice versa.
2Indonesian language to local languages vice versa.
3Local languages to foreign languages vice versa
4A local language to another local language.
5A foreign language to another foreign language.
D. Drawing Up of Translation Materials
1To review materials for drafting a document.
2To review the reference for drafting a document.
3To draw up official letters/diplomatic letters or other similar documents.
4To draw up presentation or other similar documents.
5To draw up the scripts of brochures/ flyers/ booklets/ periodic reports/ manuals/ information kits/catalogues or other similar scripts.
6To write articles/news for a website or other similar articles.
7To write the scripts of press releases/ press statements/ joint communiqués or other similar scripts; and
8To draw up activity reports or other similar documents.
E. Transliteration and Translation of Ancient Manuscripts/Archives/Inscriptions
1To plan transliteration of ancient manuscripts/archives/inscriptions.
2To review the materials for transliterating ancient manuscripts/archives/inscriptions; and 
3To search reference and/or supporting documents for transliterating ancient manuscripts/ archives/ inscriptions.
4To plan the activity to translate ancient manuscripts/archives/inscriptions.
5To review the materials for translating ancient manuscripts/ archives/ inscriptions; and 
6To search reference and/or supporting documents for translating ancient manuscripts/archives/inscriptions.
7To translate ancient manuscripts/ archives/ inscriptions from local/foreign ancient languages to Indonesian.


Second Level Translator:

NoJob Description
A. Translation Planning
1To plan a translation activity.
2To review translation materials; and 
3To search for reference and/or supporting materials for translating.
B. Translation
1To translate lectures/speeches/remarks or other similar documents.
2To translate state address/official remarks/scientific oration or political scripts, policies, and other similar diplomatic documents; and 
3To translate sermons or other similar religious lectures
4To translate meeting reports/activity reports/financial reports or other similar reports.
5To translate research proposal/project proposal/cooperation proposal, terms of reference or other similar proposals.
6To translate monograph containing review/research report/guidelines or other similar scientific documents;
7To translate meeting scenario/minutes of meeting/chair’s notes for meetings or political documents, policies, and other similar diplomatic documents; and 
8To translate records of discussion/records of decision/minutes of meeting/agreed minutes or political documents, policies, and other similar diplomatic documents.
9To translate policy papers/white papers/road maps/ blueprints/démarches/position letters/country papers/technical papers or political documents, policies, and other similar diplomatic documents.
10To translate bilateral agreement/ multilateral agreement/ Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)/Letter of Intent or other similar legal documents.



To translate academic documents/Environmental Impact Analysis/ MoU work plan/ ratification instrument or political documents, policies, and other similar diplomatic documents; and 
12To translate laws and regulations and other similar legal documents.
13To translate short stories/novels/dramas/ folklores or other similar fiction scripts.
C. Translation Editing
1To edit translation of quality guidelines/manuals/catalogues/periodic report/information kit or other similar public information materials.
2To edit translation of presentation in form of PowerPoint or other similar presentation.
3To edit translation of abstracts of scientific journal articles/abstracts of research reports/abstracts of bachelor thesis/abstracts of thesis/abstracts of dissertation or other similar abstracts of scientific papers.
4To edit translation of curriculum/syllabus/teaching materials or other materials for Education and Training; and

To edit translation of scripts in posters/banners/billboards/captions/brochures/flyers/or other similar public information materials.


6To edit translation of electronic mails or other similar electronic documents.
7To edit translation of official letters/diplomatic letters/facsimiles or political documents, policies, and other similar diplomatic documents.
8To edit translation of press releases/press statements/communiqués or other mass media documents. 
9To edit translation of news/opinions/editorials in printed or electronic mass media or other similar mass media documents.
10To edit translation of biography/autobiography or curriculum vitae.
11To edit translation of Circulars/Announcements/Statement Letters/Permits or other similar official letters.
12To edit translation of Decisions/Instructions or other similar legal documents.
13To edit translation of film dialogue or other audio-visual scripts to draw up subtitling/dubbing/voice over scripts.
D. Interpreting
 To serve as a community interpreter that includes working as interpreter for a number of sectors, such as immigration, police, manpower, counselling, medic, and public services, from:
1Indonesian language to foreign languages vice versa.
2Indonesian language to local languages vice versa.
3Local languages to foreign languages vice versa
4A local language to another local language.
5A foreign language to another foreign language.
E. Drawing Up of Translation Materials
1To review materials for drafting translation documents.
2To review reference for drawing up translation materials.
3To draw up remarks/speeches or other similar documents.
4To draw up news articles/opinions/editorials or similar documents for printed and electronic media.
5To draw up project proposal/cooperation proposal or other similar documents.
6To draw up talking points of a meeting/position paper/chair’s notes for a meeting/chair’s notes for a conference or other similar documents.
7To draw up policy paper/road map/démarche or other similar documents.
8To draw up country paper/technical paper or other similar documents.
9To edit official letter/diplomatic letter or other similar letters.
10To edit presentation script or other similar documents.
11To edit brochures/ flyers/booklets/periodic reports manuals/information kits/catalogues or other similar documents.
12To edit articles/news for a website or other similar documents.
13To edit the scripts of press releases/press statements/joint communiqués or other similar scripts; and
14To edit activity reports or other similar documents
F. Transliteration and Translation of Ancient Manuscripts/Archives/Inscriptions
1To plan transliteration of ancient manuscripts/archives/inscriptions.
2To review the materials for transliterating ancient manuscripts/archives/inscriptions; and
3To search for reference and/or supporting documents for transliterating ancient manuscripts/archives/inscriptions; and 
4To transliterate ancient manuscripts/archives/inscriptions to Latin letters.
5To plan translation of ancient manuscripts/archives/inscriptions.
6To review the materials for translating ancient manuscripts/archives/inscriptions; and
7To search reference and/or supporting documents for translating ancient manuscripts/archives/inscriptions;
8To translate ancient manuscripts/archives/inscriptions from ancient local/foreign languages to modern local languages.
9To edit translation of ancient manuscripts/archives/inscriptions from ancient local/foreign languages to Indonesian language.


Third Level Translator:

NoJob Description
A. Translation Plan
1To plan a translation activity.
2To review translation materials. 
3To search for reference and/or supporting materials for translating.
B. Translation
1To translate entries/lemmas/definition or other similar materials for a dictionary.
2To translate articles of scientific journal scientific bulletin/scientific paper/scientific essay/bachelor thesis proposal/thesis proposal/dissertation proposal or other similar scientific documents; and
3To translate scientific journal/ scientific e-book/ research report/ bachelor thesis/ thesis/ dissertation or other similar scientific documents.
4To translate agreement/ deed/ Police Investigation Report/ Judge Decision/ Court Order or other similar legal documents; and
5To translate international charter/ treaty/ convention/ covenant/ declaration/ resolution/ or other similar legal documents.

To translate lyric/ poem/ verse or other similar literature works.


C. Translation Editing 
1To edit translation of lectures/speeches/remarks/ or other similar scripts.
2To edit translation of report of a meeting/report of an activity/financial report or other similar reports. 
3To edit translation of research proposal/project proposal/cooperation proposal/terms of reference or other proposals.
4To edit translation of monograph containing review/research report/guideline or other similar scientific documents.
5To edit state address/official remarks/scientific oration or other similar politicaldocuments, policies, and diplomatic documents.
6To edit translation of religious sermons or other similar religious lectures.
7To edit translation of meeting scenario/talking points of a meeting/chair’s notes for a meeting or other similar political documents, policies, and diplomatic documents.
8To edit translation of records of discussion/records of decision/minutes of meeting/agreed minutes or other political documents, policies and diplomatic documents.
9To edit translation of policy papers/white papers/road maps/blueprints/démarches/position papers/country papers/technical papers or other political documents, policies and diplomatic documents.
10To edit translation of short stories/novels/dramas/tales/folklores or other similar fiction scripts.
11To edit translation of bilateral agreement/multilateral agreement/Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)/Letter of Intent or other legal documents.
12To edit translation of academic documents/Environmental Impact Analysis Report/MoU work plan/Ratification Instrument or other political documents, policies, and diplomatic documents; and
13To edit translation of Laws and Regulations or similar legal documents.
D. Proofreading of Translation Editing
1To proofread the editing of translation of posters/ banners/ billboards/ captions/ brochures/ flyers or other public information materials.
2To proofread the editing of translation of quality guidelines/manuals/catalogues/periodic report/ information kit or other public information materials
3To proofread the editing of translation of a power point presentation or other presentations
4To proofread the editing of translation of electronic mails or other similar electronic documents
5To proofread the editing of translation of Circulars/ Announcements/ Statement Letters/ Permits other similar official letters
6To proofread the editing of translation of official letters/ diplomatic letters facsimiles or other similar letters

To proofread the editing of translation of abstracts of scientific journals/ research report/ bachelor thesis/ thesis/ dissertation or other similar scientific documents. 


8To proofread the editing of translation of press releases/ press statements/ communiqués or other mass media documents.
9To proofread the editing of translation of news/ opinions/ editorials in printed or electronic mass media or other mass media documents
10To proofread the editing of translation of biography/ autobiography or other curriculum vitae
11To proofread the editing of translation of curriculum/ syllabus/ teaching materials or other similar Education and Training documents; and 
12To proofread the editing of translation of decisions/ instructions or other similar legal documents.
E. Interpreting
 To serve as a professional interpreter in workshops, seminars, trainings, and courts, from: 
1Indonesian language to foreign languages vice versa.
2Indonesian language to local languages vice versa.
3Local languages to foreign languages vice versa
4A local language to another local language.
5A foreign language to another foreign language.
F. Drawing Up of Translation Materials 
1To edit speeches/remarks or other similar documents.
2To edit news/opinions/editorials in printed or electronic media or other similar documents.
3To edit project proposal/cooperation proposal or other similar proposals.
4To edit talking points of a meeting/delegation position papers/ chair’s notes for a meeting/chair’s notes for a conference and other similar documents.
5To edit policy papers/road maps/démarches or other similar documents.
6To edit country papers/technical papers or other similar documents.
7To proofread official letters/diplomatic letters or other similar letters.
8To proofread presentations or other similar documents.
9To proofread brochures/flyers booklets/periodic reports/manuals/information kits/catalogues or other similar documents.
10To proofread articles/news for a website.
11To proofread press releases/press statements/joint communiqués or other similar documents; and
12To proofread activity reports or other similar documents.
G. Transliteration and Translation of Ancient Manuscripts/Archives/Inscriptions
1To plan activities of transliterating ancient manuscripts/archives/inscriptions
2To review the materials for transliterating ancient manuscripts/archives/inscriptions; and
3To search reference and/or supporting documents for transliterating ancient manuscripts/archives/inscriptions.
4To transliterate ancient manuscripts/archives/inscriptions to Latin letters.
5To edit transliteration of ancient manuscripts/archives inscriptions to Latin letters.
6To plan activities of translating ancient manuscripts/archives/inscriptions.
7To review the materials for translating ancient manuscripts/archives/inscriptions.
8To search reference and/or supporting documents for translating ancient manuscripts/archives/inscriptions
9To translate ancient manuscripts/archives/inscriptions from ancient local/foreign languages to modern foreign languages.
10To edit translation of ancient manuscripts/archives/inscriptions from ancient local/foreign languages to modern local languages.
11To proofread the editing of translation of ancient manuscripts/archives/inscriptions from ancient local/foreign languages to Indonesian language.


Fourth Level Translator:

NoJob Description
A. Translation Plan
1To plan a translation activity
2To review translation materials 
3To search reference and/or supporting materials for translating
B. Translation
1To translate religious scriptures or other similar religious writings. 




To translate Indonesian Criminal Code (KUHP)/ Civil Code (KUHPer/Burgerlijk Wetboek/BW)/Commercial Code (KUHD)/Law of Civil Procedure (Herzien Inlandsch Reglement/HIR) and Rechtreglement voor de Buitengewesten (RBG) or other similar legal documents.
C. Editing of Translation
1To edit translation of entries/lemmas/definition or other similar materials for a dictionary.
2To edit translation of articles of scientific journal/scientific bulletin/scientific paper/scientific essay/bachelor thesis proposal/thesis proposal/dissertation proposal or other similar scientific documents.
3To edit translation of scientific journal/scientific e-book/research report bachelor thesis/thesis/dissertation or other similar scientific documents.
4To edit translation of agreement/deed/Police Investigation Report/Judge Decision/Court Order or other similar legal documents
5To edit translation of international charter/treaty/convention/covenant/declaration/ resolution or other similar legal documents.

To edit translation of lyric/poem/verse or other similar literature works.


7To edit translation of religious scriptures or other religious writings.
8To edit translation of Indonesian Criminal Code (KUHP)/Civil Code (KUHPer/ Burgerlijk Wetboek/BW)/Commercial Code (KUHD)/Law of Civil Procedure (Herzien Inlandsch Reglement/HIR) and Rechtreglement voor de Buitengewesten (RBG) or other similar legal documents.
D. Proofreading of Translation Editing
1To proofread the editing of translation of lectures/speeches/remarks or other similar scripts. 
2To proofread the editing of translation of state address/official remarks/scientific oration or other similar political documents, policies, and diplomatic documents.
3To proofread the editing of translation of religious sermons or other similar religious lectures.
4To proofread the editing of translation of meeting reports/ activity reports/ financial reports or other political documents, policies, and diplomatic documents.
5To proofread the editing of translation of research proposal/project proposal/cooperation proposal/terms of reference or other political documents, policies, and diplomatic documents.
6To proofread the editing of translation of monographs containing review/research report/guideline or other similar scientific documents. 
7To proofread the editing of translation of meeting scenario/talking points of a meeting/chair’s notes for a meeting or other similar political documents, policies, and diplomatic documents.
8To proofread the editing of translation of records of discussion/ records of decision/minutes of meeting/agreed minutes or other political documents, policies, and diplomatic documents.
9To proofread the editing of translation of policy paper/white paper/ road map/blueprint/démarche/position paper /country paper/technical paper other political documents, policies and diplomatic documents.
10To proofread the editing of translation of Bilateral agreement/Multilateral agreement/Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)/Letter of Intent (LoI) or other similar legal documents.
11To proofread the editing of translation of Academic Documents/ Environmental Impact Analysis Report/ MoU Work Plan/ Ratification Instrument or other political documents, policies, and diplomatic documents.
12To proofread the editing of translation of Laws and Regulations or other similar legal documents.
13To proofread the editing of translation of short stories/novels/dramas/tales/folklores or other fiction scripts.
14To proofread the editing of translation of entries/lemmas/definitions or other similar materials for a dictionary.
15To proofread the editing of translation of scientific journals/scientific bulletins/scientific papers/scientific essays/bachelor thesis proposals/thesis proposals/dissertation proposal or other similar scientific documents.
16To proofread the editing of translation of scientific journal/scientific e-book/research report/bachelor thesis/thesis/dissertation or other similar scientific documents.
17To proofread the editing of translation of agreement/deed/Police Investigation Report/Judge Decision/Court Order or other similar legal documents
18To proofread the editing of translation of international charter/treaty/convention/ covenant/declaration/resolution or other similar legal documents.
19To proofread the editing of translation of lyric/poem/verse or other similar literature works.
20To proofread the editing of translation of religious scriptures or other religious writings.
21To proofread the editing of translation of Indonesian Criminal Code (KUHP)/Civil Code (KUHPer/ Burgerlijk Wetboek/BW)/Commercial Code (KUHD)/Law of Civil Procedure (Herzien Inlandsch Reglement/HIR) and Rechtreglement voor de Buitengewesten (RBG) or other similar legal documents.
E. Intepreting
 To serve as a conference interpreter, that includes a number of activities, such as conference, summit, bilateral, regional, and multilateral negotiations, as well as press conference, from:
1Indonesian language to foreign languages vice versa.
2Indonesian language to local languages vice versa.
3Local languages to foreign languages vice versa
4A local language to another local language.
5A foreign language to another foreign language.
F. Drawing up of Translation Materials
1To proofread the editing of speeches/remarks or other similar scripts.
2To proofread the editing of news/opinions/editorials in printed and electronic media or other similar scripts. 
3To proofread the editing of project proposals cooperation proposals or other similar documents.



To proofread the editing of talking points of a meeting/position paper/chair’s notes for a meeting/chair’s notes for a conference or other similar documents. 
5To proofread the editing of policy papers/road maps/démarches or other similar documents.
6To proofread the editing of country papers/technical papers or other similar documents.
G. Transliteration and Translation of Ancient Manuscripts/Archives/Inscriptions
1To edit the transliteration of ancient manuscripts/archives inscriptions to Latin letters.
2To proofread the editing of the transliteration of ancient manuscripts/archives/inscriptions to Latin letters.
3To edit the translation of ancient manuscripts/archives/inscriptions from local/foreign local languages to modern foreign languages.
4To proofread the editing of translation of ancient manuscripts/archives/inscriptions from local/foreign local languages to modern local languages; and
5To proofread the editing of translation of ancient manuscripts/archives/inscriptions from local/foreign local languages to modern foreign languages.



Additional Tasks for a Translator:

NoJob Description
1To draw up curriculums, modules, and teaching materials for education and training on translation.
2To write scientific paper on translation/ language.
3To assess translation methods and techniques used in translation works.
4To write a translation critique in order to improve the quality of translation.
5To develop translation methods and techniques that are in accordance with the purposes of translation.
6To give consultation on translation; and
7To draw up regulations on translation.

Critic & Suggestion

E-JFP Mobile Application

Translator functional position application system (e-JFP) from the Cabinet Secretariat as the supervisor of the translator functional position.

Download Now !